Equipment Qualification
The equipment qualification laboratory is determined for qualification of equipment and components for their use in nuclear power plants during normal and emergency operation and/or seismic event.
The equipment qualification laboratory is accredited by The Slovak National Accreditation Service (SNAS, www.snas.sk) in accordance with the ISO/IEC 17025 standard; accreditation certificate No. S-196
Thermal ageing is a degradation of object´s properties due to ambient temperature influence over a certain period. The accelerated thermal ageing test simulates a long-term exposure of degradation mechanisms to materials and allows obtaining an aged sample at an incomparably shorter time than the natural ageing period.
Tests realisation:
- Accelerated thermal ageing of elements and equipment
- Resistance of elements and equipment to the effects of increased temperature over time
- Temperature dependence of measured parameters of element or equipment
- Function tests
The purpose of the test is to simulate accident conditions in a nuclear power plant. The test enables to test samples of equipment that are either used or planned to be used in NPP in places at risk of accident connected with leakage of coolant from the primary or secondary circuit or in places with possibility of a beyond design basis accident occurrence.
Tests realisation:
- Resistance and functional capability of subjects of the test in simulated accident conditions – at increased pressure, temperature and humidity
- Resistance and functional capability of subjects of the test in conditions of a steam dynamic pressure and air pressure load
- Function tests of the subjects of testing
To evaluate the extent of degradation effect of the objects or equipment being tested and to determine whether the tested object or equipment is still suitable for its use or their utility properties have been depleted, measurements of their various mechanical parameters are used. These are, for example, measurements of firmness during traction and tensibility that are performed by tearing machine. The tested component with a shape of blade, strip or tube is during the test pulled at constant speed by the tearing machine along its main axis until its rupture. The load of the tested element and its elongation is tested.
One of the methods to identify the material´s constants of the objects being tested is the thermic analysis of materials. The thermic analysis of materials is in the Equipment Qualification Laboratory performed using differential scanning calorimetry. In this method, the difference between the heat flux (energy) supplied by the test sample and the reference sample is measured as a function of temperature and/or time, while the test and the reference samples are exposed to the selected temperature programme. With this test, it is possible to determine the properties of the material needed, for example, for the accelerated temperature ageing test or to evaluate its ageing.
The seismic test belongs to the tests of qualification process of I&C, mechanical and electrical components and equipment, or the entire sets of components (panels, boards, switchboards or mounting frames with mounted devices and equipment) to prove that they are able to maintain their seismic resistance.
The basic recommendations and standards for seismic testing are included in the international IEC 60980 standard and in the IEEE 344 standard.
In general, the seismic loads are defined by RRS (Required Response Spectrum). Since the components are located on different floors, it is necessary to create an RRS for each floor where the tested components are located.
The gradual movement can be carried out by different shapes of excitation waves: STN IEC 60980, Section 6.4: a) waves with higher number of frequency: - random vibrations, operation records b) waves with deterministic frequency - sinusoidal wave with constant frequency, sinusoidal wave strokes, sinusoidal wave with sweeping frequency and other wave shapes.
The tests are performed on electrodynamic or hydraulic seismic stands.
The division also provides measurement of cable properties using the ECAD 1100 measurement system. We perform measurements and long-term assessment of cabling properties directly in the place of installation and in the nuclear power plant premises.
The measurement system can be used to evaluate:
- DC and AC parameters (DC insulation resistance, impedance, inductance, phase, measurement up to 40kHz)
- insulation resistance (measured in dependence on time – the test duration period can be set to 60 sec., 180 sec. or 600 sec.)
- cable insulation parameters (DAR - Dielectric Absorption Ratio, polarization index, capacity, quality factor, loss factor)
- others
VUJE, a.s.Equipment Qualification
Okružná 5, 918 64 Trnava, Slovak Republic
Contact person: Mr. Martin Kabát
Phone: +421 33 599 1745
E-mail: martin.kabat@vuje.sk
Web: www.vuje.sk/services/laboratorium-kvalifikacie-zariadeni