Details of services

About us

The certification body, certifying classified equipment for nuclear power plants proceeds in compliance with STN EN ISO/IEC 17065 and it is accredited by the Slovak National Accreditation Service (SNAS). Accreditation Certificate No. P-028

The certification body deals with certification of classified equipment:

Electrical, electronic, electromechanical and mechanical equipment
  • Converters of electrical and non-electrical quantities,
  • Indicating, recording and signalling devices,
  • Electrical switchboard components (relays, circuit breakers, contactors, terminal boards),
  • Electrical cables and accessories,
  • Electrical engines and actuators,
  • Power supply sources, accumulator batteries,
  • Fittings, valves, flaps,
  • Air operated fast acting valves,
  • Pressure vessels
  • Others.

Electrical and electronic programmable units
  • Electronic unit software for processing quantities.

The generally binding changes in requirements for products certification are published at the COCP - VUJE, a. s. website. Specific changes shall be discussed at personal meetings.

  • submission of application for product certification (application here),
  • taking samples from the certificate applicant,
  • definition of parameters to be examined during the product certification process,
  • definition of the limit parameters of the environment of use of the certified product,
  • definition of seismic area(s) of the certified product use,
  • comparison of measured parameters with required parameters and their evaluation,
  • development of final protocol of the product certification,
  • decision to issue a certificate,
  • certificate issue,
  • certificate handover and conclusion of agreement on the certificate use.

COCP – VUJE, a. s. has established conditions for granting, maintaining, extending, limiting, suspending and withdrawing of product certificate.

Certificate granting

COCP – VUJE, a. s., grants certificates based on assessment or conformity demonstration, and based on examination of evaluation results and a positive decision on the award of the certificate. The validity of certificate is 3 years under conditions defined in the 1b certification scheme. In exceptional and justified cases COCP may grant a certificate without limitation of validity.

Certificate narrowing

COCP can narrow the scope of certificate, if elimination of a nonconforming modification of the product is needed. Provided COCP reduces the scope of certification to the applicant, this shall be disclosed publicly via the COCP website and COCP shall modify the formal certification documents. COCP shall clearly notify the applicant of the intention to reduce the scope of the product certificate and specify the details of reduction in the certification documents and at the publicly available COCP website.

Certificate suspending

If COCP – VUJE, a. s. identifies non-fulfilment of certification conditions, it can suspend the certificate validity for a specific period (3 months). If the supplier proves elimination of the non-conformity, the validity of the certificate can be renewed. The validity of the certificate is not extended by the period of suspension of the certificate. If non-conformities have not been eliminated by the contractor (certificate holder) during this period, COCP – VUJE, a. s. will withdraw the issued certificate.

Certificate withdrawing

COCP – VUJE, a. s. will withdraw the granted certificate, in case of identification of non-fulfilment of the product parameters, identification of a change in the production technology, non-compliance with the certificate issue conditions, certificate misuse or misleading use of the certificate.

In case of changes influencing the product construction, changes in ownership, structure, supplier´s management or any other changes by which the product no longer complies with the requirements of the certification system, the certificate holder shall apply for a re-certification. In this case COCP – VUJE, a. s. reassesses the certificate validity.

Certification requirements changes

The generally binding changes in product certification requirements are published at the COCP – VUJE, a. s. website. Specific changes are discussed at personal meetings.

Before deciding on the exact form, content and effective date of the changes, COCP - VUJE, a. s. will consult and take into account justified comments or opinions expressed by parties involved - product certification applicants.

The approved and published changes in the requirements related to the product evaluation and certification will be incorporated to the respective work procedures by COCP – VUJE, a. s. in the shortest possible time.

Utilization of licenses, certificates and conformity marks

The rules of the certificate use are set out in the certification application and the applicant agrees to the conditions of the certificate use by signing the application.

COCP – VUJE, a. s. conducts inspection of ownership, use, and publishing of certificates and continuously monitors the use of certificates and conformity marks in commercial advertising, newspaper advertisements, catalogues, etc. If deficiencies are identified, the head of COCP – VUJE, a. s. informs the relevant organization about the identified deficiency with a request for a statement and corrective measures.

Confidential information protection

The protection of property rights and confidential information of the customers is by COCP – VUJE, a. s. provided as follows:

  • All employees shall maintain confidentiality about information concerning professional secrecy and disclosure of any data concerning the subject of the test and the process results to other organizations or third parties. Information may be disclosed only with the written consent of the customer. Employees acknowledge disclosure of information by signing a confirmation.
  • Information obtained about a specific product during certification activities or about the applicant may not be disclosed to a third party without the written consent of the applicant.


COCP – VUJE, a. s., publishes a list of valid certificates. The list is updated on a regular basis which is the responsibility of the head of COCP – VUJE, a. s.

The following data are published:

  • Product name,
  • Applicant name,
  • Certificate validity.

Complaints and appeals

The customer may file complaints and appeals in writing against the activities of COCP – VUJE, a. s. to the head of COCP – VUJE, a. s. The time limit is 15 days from the receipt of the results in a form of a protocol, unless a different time limit is agreed. The head of COCP – VUJE, a. s. shall decide on justness of the complaint and appeal filed after the time limit. If justness of the complaint or appeal is identified based on their verification and the mistake may have a negative impact on the results of the already performed works, the head of COCP -VUJE, a. s. shall immediately inform the customer and consequently a letter shall be sent to the customer. In case of justness of the complaint or appeal, COCP – VUJE, a. s. implements corrective measures at their own cost within 30 days. In case the customer does not agree on the method of resolving the complaint or appeal, other legal options to resolve the complaint or appeal may be used. The head of COCP - VUJE, a. s. is responsible for managing all records related to complaints or appeals. All records related to complaints or appeals shall be kept.

Complaints against suppliers

The applicant who has been granted a certificate is obliged to keep records of all complaints concerning the certified product, together with the adopted corrective measures. The adopted corrective measures must be documented. These data must be continuously reported to COCP - VUJE, a. s.

Certification fees

The certification fees shall be determined by the agreement between COCP – VUJE, a. s. and the applicant in compliance with the Act No. 18/1996 Coll on Prices. The price takes into account the complexity and properties of the product, the number of tested samples, the number and complexity of tests, and the place of the test performance.

Certification application

List of issued certificates


VUJE, a.s.
Certification Body for Products Certification

Okružná 5, 918 64 Trnava, Slovenská republika

Head of Certification Body:
Ing. Monika Krajčovičová
Tel: +421 33 599 1143, +421 915 882 466

Deputy Head of Certification Body:
Ing. Martin Kevický
Tel: +421 33 599 1426, +421 905 619 388