Information systems
EPSIS® JISHM: We develop, operate, and service the software designed for integrated information system in case of economic mobilisation of the Slovak Republic.IS AROSZ: We cooperate in development of integrated information system to control the equipment operation, maintenance and to monitor the operational costs. The system involves software applications for control the entries to active zones in nuclear power plants, the processes and works in active zone, radioactive waste treatment from the point of its production until its storage in the National Radioactive Waste Repository in Mochovce.IS RAP - information and presentation system for radioactive waste (RAO) and spent nuclear fuel control in the Slovak Republic. The monitoring accounts for the summary of stored RAO and as well the amount of RAO produced by individual generators.IS of emergency centres - the system designed for Mochovce nuclear power plant units 3 and 4 construction for control of emergency response in the emergency supporting centre. Information systems (IS) in Emergency centres are developed for the design of construction of Mochovce nuclear power plant units 3 and 4, to control emergency response in emergency supporting centres.