We Got a Prestigious Certificate From LRQA, The Global Certification Authority. VUJE, a. s., Confirmed Its Position as a Slovak Leader in Nuclear Power Engineering
Watch the time-lapse video from the production of a unique manipulator for remote controlled plugging of leaking heat exchange tubes of steam generators
We are part of European security and industrial stability. A unique manipulator from the VUJE workshop is on its way to the South Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant
Christophe Fournier, managing partner of our international nuclear development in European joint venture NUCEAL, visited VUJE during his first study trip
Úrad jadrového dozoru SR oslávil 30. výročie. Za VUJE, a. s., na slávnostnej konferencii ocenil prácu inštitúcie a jeho predsedníčky Marty Žiakovej náš generálny riaditeľ Matej Korec (príhovor)
V novom podcaste VUJE búrame mýty o jadre. Andrej Žiarovský hovorí o energetických závislostiach i stabilite, ale aj o príbehoch osudov a vášní na pozadí histórie jadrovej fyziky
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