28.06.2021 News
VUJE Welcomed the Top Representatives of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant, They Also Met with the Representatives of the Government of the Slovak Republic
The Chief Executive Officer of the joint-stock company Armenian Nuclear Power Plant, Eduard Martirosyan, and the First Deputy of the Chief Executive Officer, Movses Vardanyan, accepted the invitation of the Chief Executive Officer of VUJE, a. s., Matej Korec, to visit several nuclear facilities in the Slovak Republic which were designed or delivered by our company for the state company Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť, a. s.
The visit of the top representatives of the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant in the Slovak Republic took place from 21st to 24th June 2021. The guests had an opportunity to visit the Radioactive Waste Treatment Centre in Jaslovské Bohunice and the National Radioactive Waste Repository in Mochovce built with a significant participation of VUJE, a. s.
The most important technologies of radioactive waste treatment, installed in the Bohunice Radioactive Waste Treatment Centre, were presented to them, such as the incineration facility reducing the volume of solid and liquid combustible RAW, the high-pressure press for compacting the radioactive waste, the facility producing fiber-reinforced concrete containers into which the processed radioactive waste is placed for a permanent storage.
In the National Radioactive Waste Repository in Mochovce, the guests got acquainted with the technology of permanent radioactive waste storage transported from the Bohunice Treatment Centre and the Liquid RAW Final Treatment Facility in Mochovce.
The guests were interested in all the presented technologies and they expressed their interest in exploring the possibility of applying similar technologies in the territory of the Republic of Armenia in cooperation with VUJE and JAVYS.
The special guests were also received by the high state officials. At the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, State Secretary Karol Galek took part in the mutual talks, and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic was represented at the meeting by Viktor Borecký from the Economic Cooperation Section. The Export-Import Bank of the Slovak Republic also expressed support for the implementation of such projects through its Chief Executive Officer Monika Kohútová, who also received the Armenian guests during their stay in Slovakia.
The Slovak Republic is a leader in the radioactive waste treatment, as it has a high average population density and does not have remote uninhabited areas where radioactive waste could be stored without a significant degree of treatment. The Slovak Republic began to deal with radioactive waste treatment technologies in 1970s after the shutdown of the first Czechoslovak A1 NPP in Jaslovské Bohunice.